Possessing a territory of 762.46 sq mi and having an aggregate populace of over 25.1K with a mind blowing mixture of races including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with more than 8.4K lodging units and 6.2K families, Washington County was built in 1813 with Potosi as the province seat and the largest city. It was named in the honor of George Washington, the Former President and is situated in the east central Missouri in the United States.
The inbuilt ancestral truths of the Washington County online data reserve deepen the chance of finding the most awaited information on World War I and II information, civil court case lookups, origin and birth details, real estate and property facts, last will or probate specifics marriage volume number, land and estate data, American Civil War history, burial and cemetery details, obituary notice, marriage and divorce details, demise facts, war and enlistment data and the likes over the net!